日本ANLAN 8合1粉鑽全能美容機 送ANLAN面膜1盒5片
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- For purchases over $300, self-pickup is included at all SF Express locations in Hong Kong, and for purchases over $500, delivery is included to all residential, industrial and commercial locations in Hong Kong.
- Shipping is from Monday to Saturday at 2-3pm. If it is a holiday, it will be shipped at 2-3pm on the next working day.
Maintenance instructions
Power supply equipment
日本ANLAN 8合1粉鑽全能美容機(正貨, 6個月保養) 送ANLAN 高保濕面膜之王1盒5片
ANLAN Multifunction 8 IN 1 RF
Beauty Device
8in1 一部實現 導入儀、RF射頻儀、導出儀、光子美容儀、EMS 美容儀、熱敷儀、嫩膚儀、冷敷儀
獨創射頻【PMR 脈衝調製射頻】技術,榮獲九個日本大獎 累計銷量一百萬部
【超維A48晶片】自研超維 A48晶片,實現功能快速切換、起效
獨創射頻PMR 脈衝調製射頻技術,實現以更柔和的射頻溫度,達到啟動膠原、淡化紋路的效果
即時效果 肉眼都睇得出
【PMR 脈衝調製射頻】技術,實現以更柔和的射頻溫度,達到啟動膠原、淡化紋路的效果
【導出 】 聲波導出 擊退黑頭粉刺
【導入功能 】 將精華利用嶄新技術迫入肌底
【光子美容】620nm 紅光,改善暗沉,提亮膚色;465nm 藍光,抗痘、淨膚;
【智能溫控】精准NTC 熱感探測器,即時監測表皮溫度,安全防燙傷;