韓國MEDICUBE ZERO 微針全效毛孔安瓶7,500ppm 30ml
The whole store is in stock, and you will automatically enjoy a 5% discount when you spend over $2,000.
- For purchases over $300, self-pickup is included at all SF Express locations in Hong Kong, and for purchases over $500, delivery is included to all residential, industrial and commercial locations in Hong Kong.
- Shipping is from Monday to Saturday at 2-3pm. If it is a holiday, it will be shipped at 2-3pm on the next working day.
韓國MEDICUBE ZERO 微針全效毛孔安瓶7,500ppm 30ml[進階護理]一星期用3次
✓塗抹式微針 改善毛孔問題
✓高滲透速吸收 護膚更高效
✓建議於晚間潔面後第一步使用 塗抹後輕輕按壓緊緻毛孔效果更佳
Medicube Zero 微針全效毛孔安瓶是一款針對毛孔問題的全效精華液,內含30毫升高濃度活性成分,專為改善毛孔粗大、死皮堆積等問題設計,讓肌膚恢復光滑細緻。
Exosome-Coated Technology:
- 深層滲透,提供精準護理
- 改善皮膚活力和能量
Niacinamide (煙酰胺):
- 提升肌膚屏障功能
- 改善膚色不均
Panthenol (泛醇):
- 增強保濕
- 舒緩肌膚
- 使用潔面產品清潔面部。
- 取適量安瓶精華液,均勻塗抹於面部。
- 輕輕按摩至完全吸收。
- 建議搭配水基保濕霜使用。