Terms of Service
- All products in our store are in stock, Hong Kong registered company confidence guarantee
- It will be shipped within 30 hours after the order is confirmed. If you do not receive the delivery information, please contact SF Express hotline 852-27300273 for enquiry.
Other payment methods
- Bank transfer: teller machine, online/telephone transfer/FPS
- Credit card: VISA/MASTER/AE/UnionPay
- ALIPAYHK Alipay Hong Kong
- Payme merchant payment
- WeChatPayHK Hong Kong wallet payment
**If you want to use the above payment methods, you can place an order directly on the website or WHATSAPP 66024693/97922848
*If the product stock is limited, our store will send it out in the order of the number of customers.
***Special offer items are non-refundable, please note
Hong Kong regionPurchase over $300 includes SF Express station and smart cabinet,Packages over $500deliver goods
Macao regionFree shipping on orders over $800
***Our store does not provide face-to-face delivery and cash on delivery services
This website currently provides air freight services to the following countries. Freight options will be automatically provided when placing an order and settling the bill.
- E-EXPRESS air freight (delivered in about 7 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 3 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 4 working days)
- Registered surface mail (about 2 months)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 3 working days)
- E-EXPRESS air freight (delivered in about 14 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 4 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 4 working days)
United StatesUnited States
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 7 working days)
- e-Express (14-21 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivered in about 7 working days)
United KingdomUnited Kingdom
- e-Express (14-21 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 7 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 7 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 7 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 7 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 3 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 4 working days)
- General and lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 7 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 7 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 4 working days)
- EMS express delivery (delivered in about 7 working days)
- Registered airmail (delivery takes about 14 working days)
- Lithium battery products FEDEX International Priority Express (delivery takes about 4 working days)
**Notes on international shipments
1. Tracking of the waybill will be provided after shipment. Once shipped, no changes to the relevant information and no refunds are allowed.
2. Our store is not responsible for all posting risks related to international items.
3. Since international shipping is often delayed due to weather, holidays or local emergencies,Our store is not responsible for the risk of delays in goods
4. Shipping costs for overseas orders are calculated based on our company’s standards.
Out of stock money back guarantee
In order to protect the rights and interests of both parties, once it is confirmed that the goods ordered by the customer are out of stock, our store will notify the customer as soon as possible. You can choose to continue waiting or refund. If you request a refund, our store will notify you as soon as possible. Refund all relevant amounts.
***Special offer items are non-refundable, please note
Product damage and replacement
If there are obvious non-human damages, quality problems or wrong styles when you receive the goods, please inform our store within 7 days to go to the store for inspection and replacement, and a dedicated person will be at your service.
product quality
To protect guestsRights and interests: If you find quality problems (discoloration/smell/precipitation/oxidation/drying up) of personal care products within 1 month after purchase, please keep the receipt and product packaging, and ask our store to go to the store for inspection and replacement. No action will be taken after 1 month.
***Since most personal care products are liquid and mixed with multiple ingredients, some products do not contain preservatives. PleaseStore in a cool and dry environment between 10 and 25°C with little change in temperature and humidity.